What Prophet Mohammed did.

Historically, how was the Islamic empire built or created?. By war, blood and slavery.  Islam started or was created in the 7th century in Mecca and Medina. Where is Mecca?. Modern-day Saudi Arabia. The word "Islam" mean submission in the Islamic faith. Also,  Islam can be a person (male or female) name as well. What does the actual name Islam mean?. Acceptance, royalty, preservation and obedience.

Muhammad (the Prophet) was born in a very powerful tribe in Mecca called the Quraish around 570 A.D. The Quraish tribe were successful merchants. The Prophet were a merchant himself. Before his rise to military, social, economical and political power. They're two distinct Islam: Radical fundamental Islam (highly conservative) and fundamental Islam (liberal). One is very destructive to all Nations. The other are neutral. Yet, can turn Radical as well. 

The Islamic world believe that Muhammad is the last Prophet to mankind. He's acknowledged as the seal of the Prophets. Moreover, the main Books of Islam are the Glorious Holy Qu'ran and Hadith (sayings) and traditions (Sunna) by Prophet Muhammad). Though, they are more historical books in Islam.

Must we continuosly strive to edify (teach  and exposed) both the Radical and fundamental Islamic world?. Yes. Why?. We ought to love them. Not convert them to Christianity. 

They are basic fundamental questions that we must address and ask ourselves. Whether, we're religious or irreligious. Did real peace ever existed in the Middle-East?. Yes. Can peace and brotherhood be possible in the Middle-East?. Yes. A combination of dialogue, rebuking and edifying each other are vital to start bringing about transformation.

Historically, Prophet Muhammad and his henchmen claimed that Judeo-Christianity (Jews and Christians) have perverted the truth with lies and deceptions.

Moreover, the Holy Bible has been altered or changed. Is that the living truth?. No. That's blatant and despicable lies that has been traditionally pass down from the Prophet, his henchmen,modern-day evil  Sheiks and Imams to present lost Islamic followers. Will the truth set us free?. Always.

Can Judeo-Christianity awaken and edify the Islamic world of lies and deceptions?. I'm not sure. Nevertheless, we must strive to learn, awaken and edify them of they own  fundamental and Radical beliefs. As some Islam fundamental beliefs are very good for any society. Radical Islam must be dealth with. It's like a cancerous tumor that spreads and will be deadly in the near future.

If the Judeo-Christian world and other belief systems don't study both Radical and fundamental Islam, they'll get a very rude and shocking awakening to come.  

Prophet Muhammad once claimed he had the real truth. Really!. Ever wonder why the Radical  Islamic world been deceived in believing that Islam are the only true religion and source?!. 

Moreover, all other past beliefs systems or teachings (Judeo-Christianity and all philosophical teachings that came before Islam) are base on falsehood and ruled by the great Satan or Shaitan!. Did the Prophet knew the Jews and Christians beliefs well?. Yes. He and his henchmen studied they teachings. Was he plotting in the future?. Yes.  

Historically, the Prophet eventually rose to great military power. He started and intentionally planned by opposing some pre-Islamic Pagan Arabian tribes living within the Arabian peninsula. 

Then, request that the top  military men of various groups join his army in battle. Many were gullible to the Prophet offer. Not knowing it would be very bloody. 

Shockingly the predominant Arab world were drenched in Paganism and sorcery (black magic) were everywhere.

They is where he started the conversion to Islam. Either convert to Islam, be a slave or die by the sword. If You don't know, that's Radical fundamental Islam. 

I've already written about slavery  within the Arabian peninsula. Slavery were the norm . Meaning, before the Prophet even start converting and slaughtering infidels; Pagan Arab tribes were murdering and enslaving each other.

Christianity became a very serious threat to Radical fundamental Islam. As the rise of Christianity start flourishing within certain areas of the Middle-East. The Prophet knew that he wouldn't be able to continue promoting war and slavery for too long. So, Christianity became his next target. 

He cunningly befriend the Jews. So, he can eliminate the Christian world next. Then, eventually fight, conquer and defeat the Jewish world. Did the ancient Jews foresee the Prophet evil intentions from a distance?. Yes. What were the Prophet future intentions?. World dominance. Nothing less. Was he victorious?. No. Fortunately,  all his attempt were flush down the toilet. Why?. The Jews tested the Prophet numerous times. Again, he failed all the tests. 

Prophet Muhammad has built Islam by using the sword. Though, he were very cunning and intelligent.  The Prophet weren't a warmonger as many believe or picture him. I've written about Prophet Muhammad before. In actuality, the Islamic world only preach about peace, mercy and grace from God or Allah. Yet, revenge killings are a sacred duty in Islam. Where did they develop the ideology of revenge killings?. Why if someone leave the Islamic faith, they ought to die?!. Where does these destructive ideologies originate?. Hmm!.

These are Radical fundamental ideologies that the Islamic world don't teach converts. Until, you're fully convert to Islam. Then, you'll see a picture that's shocking!.

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Bismark Agyapong

Bismark Agyapong, a Ghanaian Christian blogger, is well-known for sharing the word of God with others. His primary desire is for you to repent from your sins and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. His main goal is to bring people to Jesus Christ through online platforms and around the world. You can connect with him on Facebook and YouTube at Bismark Agyapong GospelHub, and on Instagram and TikTok @officialbismarkagyapong. Don't forget to subscribe to his YouTube channel. Thank you

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