A Cry for Help: Our Generation Needs God

A Cry for Help: Our Generation Needs God

We are worried about our generation. It seems like we're losing our way and need God's help to get back on track. Young people are struggling, and even churches are having a hard time staying away from sin.
What happened? Did we let satan get the best of us? We don't think about eternity much anymore. We're not afraid of doing wrong things like we used to be.
Sadly, bad things are now accepted and celebrated. Things like sex before marriage and pornography have become normal. Even church-goers are involved in these sins, and no one is talking about what happens after our time on Earth.
If Jesus came back today, would we be ready? Are we living the way we should be? Death could come at any moment!
Please, God, show us mercy!
Our generation is in trouble. Our good looks and money don't matter in the end. We have seen rich and poor people, famous and unknown people die. None of them took anything with them when they left this world.
We need to change our ways before it's too late. Every minute counts! We can't wait until after we die to ask for forgiveness. Hell is a terrible place, and we don't want anyone to end up there.
Let's fix our lives and turn away from sin. We have to care more about the life that comes after this one. Let's love and support each other as we make these changes.
God, please have mercy on us and help us do better.
God bless you for reading this message.

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Bismark Agyapong

Bismark Agyapong, a Ghanaian Christian blogger, is well-known for sharing the word of God with others. His primary desire is for you to repent from your sins and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. His main goal is to bring people to Jesus Christ through online platforms and around the world. You can connect with him on Facebook and YouTube at Bismark Agyapong GospelHub, and on Instagram and TikTok @officialbismarkagyapong. Don't forget to subscribe to his YouTube channel. Thank you

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