The Seed of Sin

The Seed of Sin

Ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God, all people are born with a seed of sin. I have it. You have it. We all have it. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

As a child, I am happy. I am free. The blood of Jesus covers my sins. As I grow older, I don't feel so free anymore. This seed is producing sinful thoughts and actions in me. I begin to feel uneasy. Sometimes I am confused or afraid.

Now What?

I am helpless to remove this seed. It is ugly. It grows fast. I am under Satan's control. Satan is the father of this ugly seed. Now he is my master. What can I do? I am torn. Part of me likes it; part of me doesn't. I can't control myself and my desires. Satan tells me I am free. He tells me about an exciting life just ahead. He says don't worry; have fun! Sometimes I believe him, but late at night when I am all alone, I know better. Unless I change, I fear I am headed for destruction.

Jesus is calling me. I pray to Him. Others pray for me. I confess my sins until I am weary. I try every way I can think of, but I can't change myself. My heart is sinful. I'm on the road to hell.

I'm at the End of My Rope

I’m at the end of my rope. Swinging, swaying, clinging, praying—I admit I am helpless. I need forgiveness. I ask God to forgive my sins. In my total helplessness, I let go and fall into the loving Savior’s arms. “Jesus, I give You my sinful heart, my efforts to reform, my past, my future.” Immediately He is there. What a sweet and tender presence! I can feel his gentle, nail-scarred hands as He washes my sinful heart clean. I am forgiven. No more fears or shadows. The warm sun shines on me as it did when I was a child. Now I am a happy child of God. Satan no longer has control over me. This kind Jesus who stands beside me is now in control of my life. I enter into the joy of salvation. What a beautiful, peaceful walk. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

But What Is This?

Oh, wretched me! I have sinned again. I still have the seed of sin in me. But there is a way. The quiet voice of Jesus tells me how to deal with sin. I remember what Satan used to tell me when I was caught in the trap of sin. He told me that I was a failure. How could I do such a thing? There is no hope for me now! I have sinned again. What can I do? I can try to reform, but that doesn’t work. I can excuse myself—it was because of my parents, my job, my nature, or another person. These thoughts are a delight to Satan. He wants to keep me from the remedy. Jesus is my only hope. He says, “Come!”

The Walk of Faith

So I come to Him. I admit I have sinned. I make no excuses. I do not try to make myself look better than I am. I tell him I have sinned. I plead for his forgiveness. I stand helpless before Him. I cannot wash myself. He gladly forgives and washes me. By faith, I know I am a child of God. I know his promises are true. In my heart, I accept that I am forgiven. This is the walk of faith. When I realize this, I praise God from a grateful heart. I was helpless. He set me free. Praise God!

I need to remember that Jesus died on the cross to pay for my sin. He delights in my need of Him. When I stay near to Jesus, Satan loses his power over me. Jesus promises, “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

A life of faith gives me power to overcome the seed of sin. I thank God for his mercy and grace. I pray to Him and listen for his quiet voice. I find comfort and instruction in reading his Word, the Bible. I obey Him because I love Him. As I am obedient and faithful, Christian life is rewarding and fulfilling. Heaven will be my home.

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