The One And Only True God-Do You Know Him?

The One And Only True God-Do You Know Him?

Everyone worships something. Some people worship objects, some worship a man, some worship an image, and others worship themselves. They reveal their devotion to their god in various ways. As the multitude of these people give their devotion to these gods, there still remains a longing and cry in their hearts. These people are able to find only a temporary relief for the cry of their souls and have little courage to face tomorrow. To their disappointment the future is always the same as the past. The god they are serving is unable to fill the void in their lives.

Whom do you worship? Where does your god live? Is he alive? What did he do for you today? Did you talk with him today? Did he answer the cry of your heart? What do you believe?

Let me introduce you to the one true God who has conquered Satan, our greatest enemy. He is the God of creation, who spoke everything into existence. The Holy Bible will tell you of this God of heaven, who created man from the dust of the earth. Read Genesis, chapters one and two.

He is the eternal God. He has no beginning and no end. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the Creator, Preserver and Sustainer of all things (Acts 17:22-34).

This great God who dwells in the heavens is also interested in you as a person. He sees you among the masses of people. He loves and cares for you. He wants to be more than your friend. He has sent His Son to be your Savior. He wants to live with you, and even more than that, He wants to live within you. He says, “Abide in me, and I in you” (John 15:4).

If He does not dwell in your heart, who does? By looking about us we can see that Satan is ruling and ruining the lives of the masses of people. He is the one who rules these hearts. He suggests all these evils such as lying, stealing, lusting, cheating, seeking revenge, and self-promotion. If Satan lives in your heart, and entices you to indulge in any of these sins and more, why not come to the God of gods who has given His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for your sins and the sins of the whole world (John 3:16).

You ask, “How can this be true? How can One, who is so great, all powerful, and almighty dwell in my heart” (Isaiah 57:15)?

If you are sick and tired of sin, why not call upon God and repent. Through faith in God and by the atoning blood of Christ your sins will be forgiven and you will receive a new nature. Then when Satan comes to tempt, you will feel the presence of the almighty God. He will give you direction and teach you in all things (John 14:26).

In John 10:10, Jesus promises an abundant life and He is able to give it to you. This gift will be yours as long as you remain faithful and obedient to Him. “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” (Isaiah 1:19). No other God is this great. If this speaks to your heart, you may want to read the tract: Ye Must Be Born Again.

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